Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sick Day? And A day in the life of...

So being forced by my own body to be restrained to my house and no where else is not pleasurable. However, the good.. (or perhaps not so good) thing is that my mind gets to wander without limits and with minor distractions. Today was slightly intriguing. Why? Well I got to thinking about how many people each individual person actually encounters in one lifetime. It's almost crazy! I mean I really really thought about how many people that I have already spoken to, it's got to be thousands...and I'm only 20 years young. When I say encountered, I mean more than just classmates and coworkers.... those are the obvious... but also people you meet in food places, theme parks, movie theaters, check out counters, pools, recreation areas, roller coaster lines, concession stand lines, football games, soccer games, cheerleading competitions, church (for the religious), town hall meetings, poll lines ( for the politically enlightened), parties, celebrations, promotions, protests, rallies, concerts, hospitals, malls, stores, the tanning bed (for those who aren't cursed to pale-dum). See how the list can go on forever? Everyday we encounter people that we will talk to once and then wipe out of our brains completely (for some of us). For others, like myself, I think about those people that I meet repeatedly. I have seen so many faces  and tons of different hair colors and heard so many  different voices, it's unbelievable really. I may seem not hip to the world at times, but I believe that my diversity level is intensified with all of the people I speak to and become familiar with. Just think about it, for a minute, isn't it ridiculous? :) well that is what my sick mind has been pondering for today. Goodnight to the world.... Peace to all... More to come :)

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