Saturday, January 9, 2010

All work and no play? no way...

Going back to work after being sick is miserable. It's worse when everyone I work with is as bitter as black coffee. Man... it sucks that the world just can't be mellow and happy together. Ha ha.. nice dream right? WELL back to the point. For the past month (aside from the week I was sick) It seemed that all I have done during winter "break" was work work work... sure it's part of growing up right? WRONG hahaha. I want to have fun with my life and do something I love to do. Sure, there is nothing wrong with waiting on tables...but I know it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. SO what that has brought me is a thousand more pounds of ambition. Whoop whoop. Yes I, Lindsey, Have uncovered the largely hidden yet well known secret that is will power and motivation ahahha. Technically I have been working for this goal from the very beginning of college. BEFORE you say "Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey, everyone has motivation and ambition that wants to go somewhere in life", let me inform you that my newly found ambition is about more than just getting where I want to in a career. I want to live my life to the fullest: love hard; befriend everyone including those that I may have normally not befriended; make cheers to the future;explore mountains and flat valleys; Love my family forever; see the Aurora in Alaska, the sights in Greece and Machu Picchu with my wonderful boyfriend Andrew. I'm not solely going to settle for a job that makes me money, but I am going to aim for my dream if you see me on the big screen someday, you'll know this blog is the truth :) haha. I want my life to be one that has no regrets, and I want A.D.G. to be a part of that. My words for today may not be too exciting to you, but they make me ECSTATIC!!!! :):):) Peace & Love to the world.

1 comment:

  1. HURRAY!!! once i figure out what i want to do with my life, i KNOW i will have this much fervor! right now my goals are pretty straight forward, and most of them are steps i need to take to get me to Charleston in august!

    "All the worlds a stage" linds, and i cant wait to see what comes next in your story! youre wonderful! <3
