Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please Help :) :)

SO friends & family, as most of you know I have been a dedicated vegetarian for more than a few years now. Before you delete or stop reading, this email is in no way trying to convert anyone to a vegetarian (although if you want to be, I have some yummy, healthy recepies). This email is actually an email asking for help: Send me your Name & email to sign the petition to HELP STOP the massacre of adult AND baby seals in Canada.. read on to see what I am talking about:

ost people would agree that there is something terribly wrong with shooting and smashing in the skulls of baby seals, yet despite international outrage, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat and skin hundreds of thousands of these gentle creatures every year. So why is Canada killing seals?

The seal slaughter exists because of the overall demand for fur. During Canada's annual war on seals, sealers routinely hook live seals in the eye, cheek, or mouth to avoid damaging the fur, then they drag the seals across the ice. Many of these gentle creatures may not even have eaten their first solid meal or taken their first swim before they are slaughtered for their skin.

Please help, I know you all may not consider vegetarianism as a lifestyle for you, but I know we all agree that slaughtering innocent baby seals is not the answer for clothing.. again, all you have to do is send your name & email address to me to petition against Canada's government for allowing this massacre. The U.S has already banned any kind of seal fur here...we've got their attention, lets hook them for good. Thanks family & friends I love you all :)

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