Saturday, January 30, 2010

the "finer" things.

It is sad to see the world as it is. It seems that most people are only concerned with looking better than the next person, have bigger things and nicer clothes, cars, more money..all of the "finer things" in life. That is what the media tells us that we need, we need to be better and have more. Is that really what you want to strive for? It is almost depressing to see this because there is so much more to be discovered, so much natural beauty that people don't recognize. Why are we so concerned with the materialistic things, that we don't even realize the beauty within the priceless. Like how the wind blows and allows the flowers to dance freely, how the sun shines in a rainbow of different colors at different times of the day, how the trees produce a new color for each season, how during winter the earth is our refridgerator and during the summer it's our heater. It's so amazing to me. We have so much to discover and be greatful for that we don't need an excess of stuff. So whomever reads my blog, this is my challenge for you: take one day and go all natural, without make up(for the girls) with out movies or tv, just go out and sit and look at how nature holds its own art for us :) My favorite nature gift is the Aurors..the picture on the left :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gandhi said this:
"One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds."

This reminded me of how quick we are today to form judgement against others for believing something unique and/or different from what is "normal". Whether the belief has to do with religion, politics, lifestyle choices, etc. We become so stubborn in what we believe is right that we completely ignore any other options that surface. If someone believes themselves to be a different religion than society expects, it's wrong. If someone decides they are gay, most of the time they become somewhat out casted by "normal" (as they are called) people and are shunned. If someone choses to be with someone outside of their own religion or not is not accepted. It's disgusting how we can chose to love or not love someone because of their unique choice. We are taught at a very young age that we are suppose to love everyone, despite differences that may be visible. So what happened to that mentality? Accepting everyone for who they are and not who we believe they are suppose to be? We need change in our world..big time. Well this is merely ONE topic that has bee racing through my head..there are PLENTY more coming throughout the week.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

They made a statue out of US.

So I should probably start off by saying that this may in fact sound like the most bi-polar post ever. I pretty much had to say it before someone else thought it...I'm way ahead there. Basically today reminded me why and how I fell in love. I am reminded everyday, of course, however this made me realize how Andrew & I have a relationship that A lot of people have always wished and hoped for...we have it.  We have MAYBE had two small very very small arguments in the whole 10 months of dating. That is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. But our relationship is awesome not only because we never argue but also because we have so much fun together...a blast. I can laugh over and over again with him & visa versa. Also, I can look into his eyes still at 10 months and get the butterflies. Probably shouldn't have shared that with everyone, but I really don't mind if everyone knows how much I care fore him :) It feels pretty radical to be in a mature relationship & be head over heels! well that is my post for the night.. a girlie post(BLAH)  rambling on about y lovie emotions towards my boyfriend. Informative? haha..maybe..maybe not so much. It may not be an intellectual post..but it's insightful! to homework. Tomorrow... Gym, Yoga & AUDITIONS. Goodnight.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What I am not.

I'm Not Strong.

...bummed by accident.

I am just.. obviously..pretty bummed right now.  If you couldn't read the title of my post. Today began well with a great workout at the gym followed by a great yoga work out. then to work and Barnes & Noble with my amazing boyfriend. Then the car.... I accidently started unneeded frustration. I apologized but it is still shaking me. I hate arguments no matter it's bugging me. I don't think I can sit here and write anymore.... night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers & Hope for Haiti

Please Please Please Pray and send out your hope and love for Haiti! As everyone knows, Haiti is having a horrible time...lost family & friends, lost homes, lost businesses, and even hospitals. As many already know, Haiti was a very poor place long before the earthquake. The fact that they had this horrible natural disaster hit them is sad & hurts. Many who read this are probably college students who may not be able to afford a donations, but they can always use thoughts, prayers and love. HOWEVER, if you can and are willing to donate to the cause, then I have enclosed a few websites that will present you with a few different ways to send donations.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please Help :) :)

SO friends & family, as most of you know I have been a dedicated vegetarian for more than a few years now. Before you delete or stop reading, this email is in no way trying to convert anyone to a vegetarian (although if you want to be, I have some yummy, healthy recepies). This email is actually an email asking for help: Send me your Name & email to sign the petition to HELP STOP the massacre of adult AND baby seals in Canada.. read on to see what I am talking about:

ost people would agree that there is something terribly wrong with shooting and smashing in the skulls of baby seals, yet despite international outrage, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat and skin hundreds of thousands of these gentle creatures every year. So why is Canada killing seals?

The seal slaughter exists because of the overall demand for fur. During Canada's annual war on seals, sealers routinely hook live seals in the eye, cheek, or mouth to avoid damaging the fur, then they drag the seals across the ice. Many of these gentle creatures may not even have eaten their first solid meal or taken their first swim before they are slaughtered for their skin.

Please help, I know you all may not consider vegetarianism as a lifestyle for you, but I know we all agree that slaughtering innocent baby seals is not the answer for clothing.. again, all you have to do is send your name & email address to me to petition against Canada's government for allowing this massacre. The U.S has already banned any kind of seal fur here...we've got their attention, lets hook them for good. Thanks family & friends I love you all :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

let them teach me...yes.

What a radical day. Unexpectedly..really. I was fretful of an EIGHT A.M. class, but my classes are absolutely awesome. Eight A.M = drawing class: amazing class, amazing teacher, amazing projects, 2 hours of awesomeosity. Ten thirty= Film production: learning and practicing all 6 elements of MOVIE production WITH opportunities to work on major productions. Oral interpretation of Literature= ACTING ACTING ACTING, we are acting out every type of literary work all year! The most groovy part is that all of my finals only count 10% in every class, and some are take home tests!! I'm super stoked, finally into the core classes of my major. I'm never going to be tired in class ha. One of the best parts about being in a class where you know absolutely no one is that your diversity level increases in a major level, i'm totally up for that dude. I'm ready to get my acting career rockin and to get my degree and to explore my Andrew future and to meet new people and to get a new used car haha. Life is good. Love is good. 

Lyrical Inspirations for the day:

the Beatles: All You Need is Love

Nothing you can make that can't be made
No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
It's easy

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to the "real" life...right.

SO Tuesday is the big day. Tomorrow is first day of spring semester of college. Back to what we call reality I suppose. The cycle of life..go to school until you're 24 in order to get a good job, get a job to make money, make money to on so on. It kind of bits: the cycle. Well the idea that we have to do it does. I'm pretty much determined that I won't fall into that repetitive lifestyle that is expected. I already think that I am very much off of that path. One reason is Andrew. Andrew has pretty much changed my life. He has introduced me to true love & adventure. I know we are going to have a blast and a great future. My family are friends are also anything BUT ordinary..and I LOVE IT! Yes, I'm determined. My mind is muti-tracked. let's see how this goes. goodnight world update soon 

Peace & love & grooviness :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

oldies & back into the swing of things :) rockin.

Has anyone ever listened to songs that are made today in the 21st Century and thought.."man, they just don't make music like in the 60's and 70's!" Well I have thought that for years now. Today it seems that music is just made to make money. Any artist who is " "uncovered" today is more likely then not just an average jane or joe who can't really sing.. but looks good, so they digitally alter the heck out of them. Then, once they make it big because the can shake it or whatever, they hold concerts. And this is when fans become immensely disappointed because  they sound nothing like the CD. My solution, listen to the good stuff, the classics, the never dying stuff. The music that was made when people listened to music to feel emotions, feel the beat feel the lyrics feel the sound. Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Eric Clapton, The Plastic Ono Band... the good stuff that made you want to groove. These are the bands that will never die... sure there are VERY few who have that sound today... Modest Mouse, Phish, Band of Horses, Widespread Panic, Tea Leaf Green, Vampire Weekend...etc. I just wish music was about the love of music and not the love of money! There is what constantly bugs me out in the open hahaha.

NOW to the swing of things... as many may know..or not, I have been SOOOO very sick. Unfortunately this sickness was in fact caused by my boyfriend. I just can't help to kiss him! I took my risk, so my consequences were gray..but it was SO worth it hahaha. HOWEVER tomorrow (or technically today since it is 12:08 A.M.)Andrew and I are taking our shot at the gym. We missed 4 days.. well kind of. We attempted to go Friday but failed miserably because we still had the sickness. So Monday is the day to get back into the swing of things... my body misses the running and work out. SO back to the norm for school..ick to school hooray for healthy bodies and no more skipped gym days..

Peace & love dear friends. I need to catch 1000 Z's before the gym. NIGHT groovy gals & dudes.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

All work and no play? no way...

Going back to work after being sick is miserable. It's worse when everyone I work with is as bitter as black coffee. Man... it sucks that the world just can't be mellow and happy together. Ha ha.. nice dream right? WELL back to the point. For the past month (aside from the week I was sick) It seemed that all I have done during winter "break" was work work work... sure it's part of growing up right? WRONG hahaha. I want to have fun with my life and do something I love to do. Sure, there is nothing wrong with waiting on tables...but I know it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. SO what that has brought me is a thousand more pounds of ambition. Whoop whoop. Yes I, Lindsey, Have uncovered the largely hidden yet well known secret that is will power and motivation ahahha. Technically I have been working for this goal from the very beginning of college. BEFORE you say "Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey, everyone has motivation and ambition that wants to go somewhere in life", let me inform you that my newly found ambition is about more than just getting where I want to in a career. I want to live my life to the fullest: love hard; befriend everyone including those that I may have normally not befriended; make cheers to the future;explore mountains and flat valleys; Love my family forever; see the Aurora in Alaska, the sights in Greece and Machu Picchu with my wonderful boyfriend Andrew. I'm not solely going to settle for a job that makes me money, but I am going to aim for my dream if you see me on the big screen someday, you'll know this blog is the truth :) haha. I want my life to be one that has no regrets, and I want A.D.G. to be a part of that. My words for today may not be too exciting to you, but they make me ECSTATIC!!!! :):):) Peace & Love to the world.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A new day arises..well sort of.

Today is a day reminding me that winter break is over and college is vastly approaching...T minus 3 days..whoopie. Despite my obvious lack of excitement, I do somewhat enjoy school. You get to meet new faces every semester..and.. this semester brings me one step closer to an acting career. I have more than 5 auditions this semester and I am also lucky to be signed up for and indulging in a FILM class :):) I have to take it to make myself familiarize myself with the production of the films which I dream to one day be starring in :) ahha oh dreams. Anyway, today I am off to collect the books needed for my EIGHTEEN credit hours.. yes I am taking the maximum that my school will allow...this should be an interesting semester. The best part of it all? I will be celebrating my ONE YEAR of dating the man of my dreams. Andrew D :) well peace out. <3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sick Day? And A day in the life of...

So being forced by my own body to be restrained to my house and no where else is not pleasurable. However, the good.. (or perhaps not so good) thing is that my mind gets to wander without limits and with minor distractions. Today was slightly intriguing. Why? Well I got to thinking about how many people each individual person actually encounters in one lifetime. It's almost crazy! I mean I really really thought about how many people that I have already spoken to, it's got to be thousands...and I'm only 20 years young. When I say encountered, I mean more than just classmates and coworkers.... those are the obvious... but also people you meet in food places, theme parks, movie theaters, check out counters, pools, recreation areas, roller coaster lines, concession stand lines, football games, soccer games, cheerleading competitions, church (for the religious), town hall meetings, poll lines ( for the politically enlightened), parties, celebrations, promotions, protests, rallies, concerts, hospitals, malls, stores, the tanning bed (for those who aren't cursed to pale-dum). See how the list can go on forever? Everyday we encounter people that we will talk to once and then wipe out of our brains completely (for some of us). For others, like myself, I think about those people that I meet repeatedly. I have seen so many faces  and tons of different hair colors and heard so many  different voices, it's unbelievable really. I may seem not hip to the world at times, but I believe that my diversity level is intensified with all of the people I speak to and become familiar with. Just think about it, for a minute, isn't it ridiculous? :) well that is what my sick mind has been pondering for today. Goodnight to the world.... Peace to all... More to come :)