Thursday, January 21, 2010

They made a statue out of US.

So I should probably start off by saying that this may in fact sound like the most bi-polar post ever. I pretty much had to say it before someone else thought it...I'm way ahead there. Basically today reminded me why and how I fell in love. I am reminded everyday, of course, however this made me realize how Andrew & I have a relationship that A lot of people have always wished and hoped for...we have it.  We have MAYBE had two small very very small arguments in the whole 10 months of dating. That is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. But our relationship is awesome not only because we never argue but also because we have so much fun together...a blast. I can laugh over and over again with him & visa versa. Also, I can look into his eyes still at 10 months and get the butterflies. Probably shouldn't have shared that with everyone, but I really don't mind if everyone knows how much I care fore him :) It feels pretty radical to be in a mature relationship & be head over heels! well that is my post for the night.. a girlie post(BLAH)  rambling on about y lovie emotions towards my boyfriend. Informative? haha..maybe..maybe not so much. It may not be an intellectual post..but it's insightful! to homework. Tomorrow... Gym, Yoga & AUDITIONS. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! i want this so bad!!! im so happy for you love! :)
