Monday, January 25, 2010

Gandhi said this:
"One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds."

This reminded me of how quick we are today to form judgement against others for believing something unique and/or different from what is "normal". Whether the belief has to do with religion, politics, lifestyle choices, etc. We become so stubborn in what we believe is right that we completely ignore any other options that surface. If someone believes themselves to be a different religion than society expects, it's wrong. If someone decides they are gay, most of the time they become somewhat out casted by "normal" (as they are called) people and are shunned. If someone choses to be with someone outside of their own religion or not is not accepted. It's disgusting how we can chose to love or not love someone because of their unique choice. We are taught at a very young age that we are suppose to love everyone, despite differences that may be visible. So what happened to that mentality? Accepting everyone for who they are and not who we believe they are suppose to be? We need change in our world..big time. Well this is merely ONE topic that has bee racing through my head..there are PLENTY more coming throughout the week.

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