Friday, May 28, 2010

"All the worlds a stage..."

I've never had a passion more evident or bigger than my passion for acting. Everyday I am reminded of my dream, everyday I live it out in my head..and soon it will come true. I am
confident and persistant and I will be the actress that I dream to be. The world is my stage, the film strips are my drug and acting is my art. I'm addicted. I will never want anything more than this. I may not be rich, and I may not be so lucky to be born into a family with film connections..but I'm going to make my own. I want this so bad that I am not going to let it pass me by. Some people dream to be doctors, wifes, teachers, dream ever since I was able to learn was to be on the big screen, behind the camera daily. I will do whatever it takes :) I am in love with the possiblility and I am going to make it MY reality. So i guess the real title of this post should be "all the world is MY stage..." As I see the Acanemy Awards, the MTV movie awards, the Oscars...SAG awards...I see my future.. I see where I want to be in Five years or less..that is up on that stage recieving that award for living out my dreams and persuing my passion. This is it. The time is now... all the world is my stage.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Unique is...

Aparently a word that has near vanished. Uniqueness has been replaced with cloned leather designer hand bags and girls who would rather wear the exact same outfit to fit in, then to fill their own personalities and stand out. It's depressing to see everyone give up on ...originality. Trends seem to fall apart as quick as they entered...yet almost everyone falls victim and follows the herd. I wish where I lived had more culture and diversity. We are expected to look, act and dress the same. We are almost even expected to pay for the same education. Maybe this blog is not making sense but it's my heart jumbled words on screen. It saddens me to see people give up what they love to fall in line. Those who do decide to stand out and do what they love rather than what they are expected...well they are critized...called names that cut them ..and sometimes outcasted. Not everyone is strong enough to hear hurtful words and bounce back. I think that is why so many are scared to stand out...and would rather live easy. It makes sense..but it's still sad to see people lose the part of their personalities that make them...who they are..or were.... maybe this post is a rant..but it's also a concern to what we are allowing the world to change us into.

Money & social stature doesn't make a person...