Friday, May 28, 2010

"All the worlds a stage..."

I've never had a passion more evident or bigger than my passion for acting. Everyday I am reminded of my dream, everyday I live it out in my head..and soon it will come true. I am
confident and persistant and I will be the actress that I dream to be. The world is my stage, the film strips are my drug and acting is my art. I'm addicted. I will never want anything more than this. I may not be rich, and I may not be so lucky to be born into a family with film connections..but I'm going to make my own. I want this so bad that I am not going to let it pass me by. Some people dream to be doctors, wifes, teachers, dream ever since I was able to learn was to be on the big screen, behind the camera daily. I will do whatever it takes :) I am in love with the possiblility and I am going to make it MY reality. So i guess the real title of this post should be "all the world is MY stage..." As I see the Acanemy Awards, the MTV movie awards, the Oscars...SAG awards...I see my future.. I see where I want to be in Five years or less..that is up on that stage recieving that award for living out my dreams and persuing my passion. This is it. The time is now... all the world is my stage.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Unique is...

Aparently a word that has near vanished. Uniqueness has been replaced with cloned leather designer hand bags and girls who would rather wear the exact same outfit to fit in, then to fill their own personalities and stand out. It's depressing to see everyone give up on ...originality. Trends seem to fall apart as quick as they entered...yet almost everyone falls victim and follows the herd. I wish where I lived had more culture and diversity. We are expected to look, act and dress the same. We are almost even expected to pay for the same education. Maybe this blog is not making sense but it's my heart jumbled words on screen. It saddens me to see people give up what they love to fall in line. Those who do decide to stand out and do what they love rather than what they are expected...well they are critized...called names that cut them ..and sometimes outcasted. Not everyone is strong enough to hear hurtful words and bounce back. I think that is why so many are scared to stand out...and would rather live easy. It makes sense..but it's still sad to see people lose the part of their personalities that make them...who they are..or were.... maybe this post is a rant..but it's also a concern to what we are allowing the world to change us into.

Money & social stature doesn't make a person...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More helpful.

Yesterday I sent you a list, although it was slightly frightening and sad, of what good reasons there are to become a vegetarian or vegan. So today, I decided I would write a list with pictures of some healthy alternatives to animal meat. Here are the descriptions in order of pictures :)

1.Smart Dogs: the vegan/vegetarian version of hot dogs.
2.Variety of Vegan's non dairy & cruelty free:)!
3.Gardenburgers: the vegetarian/vegan version of the burger!
4.Soy milk in vanilla, regular & chocolate: Non dairy milk, much healthier!
5.Tofutti: THE BEST ice cream ever! and it's dairy free!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vegetarians are hot. ooohhhhhh yes! :)

SO many people out there (maybe such as yourself) are wanting to know... what do I do to help the planet& it's creatures ? It is a very hard question and a difficult task to accomplish when you are busy & un able to get a free second to ponder on what to do...(beyond the obvious like recycling, turning off lights, or name a few easy tasks.) WELL I, my friends, have a very idealistic solution... VEGETARIANISM & VEGANISM :) :) Let me properly define these two lifestyles for you:

1)Vegetarian: a person who does not eat, or does not believe in eating meat, fish, or fowl, but substitutes on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, etc

2)Vegan: a vegetarian that omits all animal products from the diet.

Now that we have properly defined the two...lets go on hahaha. Vegetarianism and Veganism are two great ways to help save animals, the enviornment AND a great way to get healthy. Here are some influential facts from :

1.Pigs are smarter than dogs & 3 year old children, they like to play video games
2. Fish keep underwater Algae gardens, and weed out the stuff that tastes GROSS :)
3.In factories today: chickens have their beaks sliced off with a hot blade, baby cows are seperated from their mothers within 24 hours of being born, and pigs get their teeth cut in half and fingeranils sliced off...all with being fully alive.

4.Female cows are forced to milk so much that their nipples get scabbed and start to puss, this puss goes straight into the non-organic milk that you drink.

5.Chickens are kept in small sheds, they are bred and drugged to the point that they can barely walk.
6. Hens are kept in cages so cramped and small that they can even spread their wings, so their muscle wastes away and by the time they are to be slaughtered they turn them into soup or cat foot because they are too worn out for anything else.
7.Cattle raised for beef have their horns and testicles cut off, third degree burns (branding) inflicted on them..all without pain killers.
8. Chickens are killed at 2 months old, pigs are slaughtered at 6 months, and calves barely see their first birthday.
9. Workers hang animals upside down and slit their throats, some animals are stunned, but most are completely conscious, kicking and crying out as they are skinned and cut up.

So, although being a vegetarian or vegan may seem difficult, think about what those innocent animals go through just so we can fufill a craving? Pleg to be Veg :) At least try it for a week or a month to see how it goes.

At the top are the aweful truths....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

the "finer" things.

It is sad to see the world as it is. It seems that most people are only concerned with looking better than the next person, have bigger things and nicer clothes, cars, more money..all of the "finer things" in life. That is what the media tells us that we need, we need to be better and have more. Is that really what you want to strive for? It is almost depressing to see this because there is so much more to be discovered, so much natural beauty that people don't recognize. Why are we so concerned with the materialistic things, that we don't even realize the beauty within the priceless. Like how the wind blows and allows the flowers to dance freely, how the sun shines in a rainbow of different colors at different times of the day, how the trees produce a new color for each season, how during winter the earth is our refridgerator and during the summer it's our heater. It's so amazing to me. We have so much to discover and be greatful for that we don't need an excess of stuff. So whomever reads my blog, this is my challenge for you: take one day and go all natural, without make up(for the girls) with out movies or tv, just go out and sit and look at how nature holds its own art for us :) My favorite nature gift is the Aurors..the picture on the left :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gandhi said this:
"One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds."

This reminded me of how quick we are today to form judgement against others for believing something unique and/or different from what is "normal". Whether the belief has to do with religion, politics, lifestyle choices, etc. We become so stubborn in what we believe is right that we completely ignore any other options that surface. If someone believes themselves to be a different religion than society expects, it's wrong. If someone decides they are gay, most of the time they become somewhat out casted by "normal" (as they are called) people and are shunned. If someone choses to be with someone outside of their own religion or not is not accepted. It's disgusting how we can chose to love or not love someone because of their unique choice. We are taught at a very young age that we are suppose to love everyone, despite differences that may be visible. So what happened to that mentality? Accepting everyone for who they are and not who we believe they are suppose to be? We need change in our world..big time. Well this is merely ONE topic that has bee racing through my head..there are PLENTY more coming throughout the week.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

They made a statue out of US.

So I should probably start off by saying that this may in fact sound like the most bi-polar post ever. I pretty much had to say it before someone else thought it...I'm way ahead there. Basically today reminded me why and how I fell in love. I am reminded everyday, of course, however this made me realize how Andrew & I have a relationship that A lot of people have always wished and hoped for...we have it.  We have MAYBE had two small very very small arguments in the whole 10 months of dating. That is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. But our relationship is awesome not only because we never argue but also because we have so much fun together...a blast. I can laugh over and over again with him & visa versa. Also, I can look into his eyes still at 10 months and get the butterflies. Probably shouldn't have shared that with everyone, but I really don't mind if everyone knows how much I care fore him :) It feels pretty radical to be in a mature relationship & be head over heels! well that is my post for the night.. a girlie post(BLAH)  rambling on about y lovie emotions towards my boyfriend. Informative? haha..maybe..maybe not so much. It may not be an intellectual post..but it's insightful! to homework. Tomorrow... Gym, Yoga & AUDITIONS. Goodnight.